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2nd Dan International Taekwon-Do Federation Certificates Awarded

Congratulations to (L to R) Assistant Instructor Leah, Ashley and Instructor Dale on receiving their International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) 2nd Dan Certificates, which were presented by Sabum Kris Richardson, who is the Chief Instructor for ITF Taekwon-Do Wide Bay. These certificates are signed by the ITF President, Master Ri Yong Son, issued by the ITF headquarters in Vienna and recognise their promotion to 2nd Dan Black Belts.

Photo of Assistant Isntructor Leah, Ashley and Instructor Dale with their 2nd Dan Certificates. standing alongside Chief Instrcutor Kirs Richardson from ITF Taekwon-Do Wide Bay

Anthony Coleman's 6th Dan ITF Certificate

Each certificate issued by the ITF is recorded in the organisation's international database and has a unique number.

This number is association with the country where the student lives, their dan ranking and the number of certificates issued by the ITF in that country.

For example, Sabum Anthony Coleman's ITF Dan Certificate number is AU-6-20. This certificate number means AU for Australia, 6 for 6th Dan Black Belt and 20 for the twentith 6th Dan certificate to be issued in Australia since the establishment of the ITF in Australia in the early 1970's.

ITF SEQ always recommends it's black belts obtain recognition from the ITF. This ensures their rank is recognised across Australia and internationally, as well as providing opportunities to further progress their Taekwon-Do skills and knowledge.

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