Continuing to Improve Instructing Ability

Master Graham Moulden, President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation Thailand and Founder of the parent organisation of ITF SEQ, is travelling to Canada to attend the ITF Technical Seminar and International Instructor Course in Montreal.
This event will be held on 14-16 October 2016 and is being conducted by three 8th Dan ITF Masters: Master Alaine Dumaine; Master Walter Zdeb; and Master Santino Caputo. Guests of Honour at the event will be Master Ri Yong Son, President of the ITF and Prof Kim Sung Hwan, Secretary-General of the ITF.
Master Moulden is attending this event to continue improving his Taekwon-Do instructing ability and in turn his students' Taekwon-Do skills.
"It is important as an ITF Master that one shouldn't become complacent and not look to improve how to instruct," Master Moulden said.
"Attendance at such courses run by very experienced 8th Dan Masters will no doubt be challenging but also highly benefical. Subsequently, my students will attain higher technical standards."

While at the event Master Moulden will be accepting the ITF Outstanding Instructor Medal on behalf of Sabum Rachanok, which was awarded to her at the ITF World Congress held in Andria, Italy in September 2016.
Part 2 of this blog report is available here.